Saturday, December 20, 2003


It is too long since I have partaken of Charles M Schulz's Peanuts gang. This afternoon there is sports, sports and more sports on most of the free-to-air television and channel surfing has brought me to Charlie Brown and the kite-eating tree. Moments before the tree gobbled up the kite, CB had managed to get his kite in the air, soaring magnificiently, and then it just went and exploded. As Lucy commented "that's the first time I've seen that happen". Peppermint Patty is now talking to that kid with the big nose that lives with CB - Snoopy. What a great group of characters and what a fantastic view of life.

Insulin Regime

The feline insulin era is now well and truly underway. Em is taking it fairly well, given that if she wanted to, she would be able to tear flesh from our limbs as we administered the shots. Mind you, she is less co-operative some days than others, but that's okay in the grand scheme of things.
We've also changed blood testing methods. We're now doing blood collection via ear pricks. We downloaded instructions from the internet - complete with pictures - and it is slowly getting easier ... on both of us. I don't think I have heard Em growl as much in the 11 years we've had her as in the last fortnight.
The other part of having a diabetic cat is how to explain to your other cat that you're not really ignoring them, and the attention the diabetic cat is getting is attention the other one really does not want.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Feline Diabetes

One of our cats was diagnosed with feline diabetes this week. Her treatment starts Monday - diet and insulin injections. Not unlike humans really. My partner and I have both been taught how to do the injections, and I have also learned how to take blood so I can do regular checks of her blood sugar levels. It was this or urine testing, both of which give accurate readings. Do animals feel pain the same way we do? And will the cat who will cheerfully pincher you with her claws (and then hiss a warning) when you accidentally brush against her in bed, take kindly to this latest invasion of her personal space and lifestyle. We shall see.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Parental Visit

When we visited the Gold Coast in August, my partner and I had discussed catching up with my parents who are based in Toowoomba. Time constraints (and lack of a car) meant the 2.5 hour drive to Toowoomba was not an option. Cheap airfares meant we could make a flying visit to them later in the year, and lateral thinking meant we could get them to visit us - and my NSW-based brothers and their families. That was last week. It was good to see them and spend time with them doing touristy things, in our beautiful Harbour city, and just hanging out.

Carolfest is a-coming

We spent Saturday and Sunday at rehearsals for Carolfest, a traditional program of carols and readings to celebrate Christmas. Performances are 8pm Saturday 6 December and 6pm Sunday 7 December. The venue is The Great Hall at The University of Sydney. Tickets are $15 concession or $20 adult. The program includes traditional pieces as well as not-so-well-known compositions from around the world. Bundurists will accompany the choir in the Ukranian Carol of the Bells. If you're in the area - come and sing along with the congregationals! It's a great way to start the Christmas season.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Royal Rumours

Rumours and speculation are rife about the English Royals, palace scandal and Charles' sexual preferences. Does it matter? Should his Mother ever relinquish the Throne, which seems unlikely in the short term, would Charles' regal service be different were he found to have fondled more than a footman's feet? Perhaps the question ought to be whether people's perception of his ability to do the top job would be different. What is the measure of a man? Who decides the imperial yardstick?

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Longer evenings

Even though it takes a while to get used to the jetlag of daylight savings, it is wonderful to catch the bus home in daylight at the end of a long work day. It will still be light at the end of the 30-minute ride, and the 10-minute walk home. Getting home when you can still see the yard makes the work day seem much shorter, even though it's still as long, and perhaps even longer for those who use the windows method of time telling: it's getting dark, it must be time to leave.

And on the gate post, visible
where it may not have been an hour later a couple of weeks ago - the first cicada shell of Spring. (Global warming or the drought seems to have fooled said Cicada into a pre-Summer showing.)

Lingering dusks are perfect for long walks by the sea. An added bonus (until 16 Nov) would be the annual Sculpture by The Sea on the path from Bondi to Tamarama. I haven't been yet this year but I am eager to see this year's winning entry - No. 23. No. 23 is the title of the sculpture - I'm not sure if that is also it's catalogue/position in the exhibition number. It is a large carved stone brown paper package (tied up with string) - so lifelike in the photograph of it being craned into place that I actually thought it had been wrapped for transport - and an unveiling in situ.

Friday, October 31, 2003

2nd Post - long time coming

Well ... quite a question as it turns out. What should I write about? Someone I know has recently started a blog and it's looking at all the things that are important in her life. Seems a good place to start.

I had a piece published in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday. It tells of my experience in going for a follow-up breast screening. Another member of our writing group, Lizzie, was also called for a follow-up (must have been something about the Mammovan where we both went) and she had a piece on her experience on the ABC's Health Report on Monday. The transcript of her story is on the Radio National site.

Friday, March 28, 2003