Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Good news - RSI is no more
Thursday, June 06, 2013
I'm rewatching "The Mist'' (based on Stephen King's novel of the same name) and this version is in black and white. I'm fairly sure the original was in colour and filled with horrific images and lots of blood and gore. Is it more or less scary in colour? Have they even done studies into this - and, if so, how would they measure different levels of "scared"? And does level of "scared" vary from person to person? Is there a common denominator - a scare rating?
Monday, June 03, 2013
Mind the brain
The mind is truly an amazing thing. Years ago, an item made its way around the internet - it was a paragraph where all the letters of the words were jumbled save for the first and last letters. The point was that you could read and understand it and I always thought it could have a great application for those puzzles you see - 9 or so letters usually in a 3 x 3 grid, and you had to find as many words words as possible, including the 9-letter one, Well, I was stumped this morning with this one: CEO NNO TPM, I tried combination after combination, none the wiser: PEMTONCON, PONTEMCON, CONTEMPON, CONNOTEMP. My second-last shuffle gave - still no joy - CEMTONNOP and then - my last go before l resorted to an anagram program: CONEMOPNT. And just as I thought: if I had the right first and last letters, would the world magically appear - it did! Brain 1: Me 0. Highlight the space COMPONENT and copy and paste it into your browser search bar to see the answer if you don't have it already!