Sunday, September 11, 2005


Sydney AirportOver the Outback

Tip 1 for the unseasoned traveller - just because it's in a tube in the amenities drawer doesn't mean it's toothpaste. Tip 2 for the unseasoned traveller - shaving cream doesn't taste that bad. Really. And it doesn't froth up that much either. Hopefully there won't be any side effects!
The flight so far has been good. I've been learning a few words of Mandarin on the in-flight language program. If you complete the course, you get a certificate. I'll see if I get that far. As well as doing the test to check your progress, you can also play the words game. Who would ever think that vampire bats would be a feature of a game - although there's probably a lot different out there.
There was a call for a medical person a while ago - hopefully they found someone - but not a great start to somebody's trip.
Not quite sure where we are but the Australian outback is stretching out below us. It looks very empty and very dry.
* (aural)The song "The Water Is Wide" (or a version of it) - song as background music to the safety video.
* Singapore Airlines (SIA) has sky beds where you can actually lie down and sleep! Not that I did this leg but I'm going to on the way home (if they're fitted on the return flight plane).
* Plane food has improved! It could be that I'm up the pointy end and having diabetic fare but there hasn't been a mixed bread finger sandwich in sight. For lunch (entree) I had a lovely steamed chicken, mint, cucumber, tomato and chilli salad. Yum.
* If you're heartbroken by the disappearance of those sandwiches - don't be! I found them in the Raffles Lounge at Singapore's Changi Airport!
* SIA have baby seat belts (according to the safety video).
* Why do window shades need to be up for takeoff and landing? Does there any real reason for this? I might have to look it up on the web! Or send it in to "Big Questions" in Spectrum (in Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald).
* Flying over Hong Kong and surrounds at night - the clouds are lit up from underneath - for miles - an amazing sight! What must it be like on a clear night?
* While water is supposed to drain in the opposite direction in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, it does not appear to do so at altitude. Each time I checked on the plane, water was draining straight down the plug-hole - not swirling to either the right or the left. I wonder at what altitude the effect kicks in - or whether there was some kind of physics anomalies with the 747 Megatop and 777 Jubilee I flew in today.
* I am not very observant. I had been in the taxi for nearly 15 minutes before I realised the driver was sitting on the left. Does this mean they drive to the right here?
* You can still smoke in enclosed public spaces in Shanghai.

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