Monday, January 29, 2007

Surfeit of smells

Had a less than wonderful start to the day with the discovery that one of the mini watermelons we bought at the markets on Saturday had exuded a foul-smelling clear foamy liquid - and lots of it. It had pooled in the bottom of a bag and seeped through that and spread over the kitchen floor. So I cleaned it up, all the while lamenting our choice of generic paper towels and not the more expensive absorbent type. Putting the disinfectant and paper towels away, I whiffed another something awful. It turned out to be the cat litter tray and a very fresh deposit which, had it been a smidgen to the left, would have been out of the tray. So I cleaned that up but then I heard one of my least favourite sounds - a cat vomiting. There are few things I hate more than cleaning up after a cat especially if non-absorbent paper towel is in the mix. Luckily there were no other surprises around the house this morning.


Elizabeth said...

sorry you had one of those fermenting w/melons. I had one too. when I cut it open it exploded!

Anonymous said...

A simple little needle will solve problems 2 & 3 - permanently. Just saying.