Thursday, November 22, 2007

Something to sing about

I recently learnt about something called a "complaint choir" (thanks LW). Like-minded folk get together to sing about what irritates them. It's a pretty nifty idea, especially in a world where we are encouraged NOT to complain. ("Hi, how are you?" "Can't complain." Which really means "I could complain but I won't.") So imagine being able to give your complaints full voice - to really sign out about things that don't sit well with you. "Yes", said S who I had told about this only yesterday, "this morning I found myself signing 'No Tray for Me in December' (to the tune of 'Don't Cry for Me Argentina') - while cleaning out the cat litter tray for the umpteenth time in a row because the significant other, and sharer of the litterati duties, is currently offshore. I was envious that I hadn't been able to come up with something so quickly - and it's not that I can't find things to complain about (really!!) Like - don't you really hate it when it takes you longer to get to a news item on the web than you had thought - and when you get there you can only get SOME of it and if you really want the rest of it, you have to purchase it!

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