Sunday, June 15, 2008

Duty Free Torture

The only good thing about having "enough" stuff to carry while travelling is that when I see things I really really really want in the electronics section of the duty free shop, I know I can't fit it in my carry-on luggage. Which is probably why they have the carry-on luggage shop next door ... I was wondering about that only a little while ago: "why would they have the luggage shop within the airport when you're already travelling with carry-on luggage?" But that would explain it, ie something to put the new electronics in. Hmmmmmm. But it's okay, I'm being incredibly restrained. I haven't bought the My-Vu glasses with inbuilt video screen for personal viewing eg in bed; nor the SD card video recorder (just like a VCR); nor the multi-source charging apparatus for multiple devices. Pics of these devices hanging in store in situ (as opposed to on the hotel bed at my next port of call) will be posted shortly. That (sniff) is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness - those glasses were only $200 US - how did you resist. Christmas in July, err June.