Saturday, April 17, 2021


As we were driving back from breakfast this morning we noticed there were folk in costumes around the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre - and it didn't take long to work out Supernova is in town.

It's a while since I've been to Supernova - and the last time was with our neice, nephew and two of their friends.  The bathroom was off-limits to us that morning as they primped and preened and applied buckets of pancake make-up and put the finishing touches on their quite elaborate costumes.

I was chatting with one of the Supernova crew members (SCM) later today about how the event has changed last year and this year - because of CoVid. One of the big changes is that there are no international stars - and they used to be a huge draw card. There are Australian stars of course but the SCM seemed to think that the cosplay, merchandise and panels were the reasons for folk coming along. The SCM said it was "packed" inside and I thought about buying a ticket ($37 - cheaper than I remember) and having a look for myself but I was very concerned I would be amongst many of those emerging from the Centre - laden down with merchandise! I just knew there would be something that wanted to come home with me - Star Trek, StarGate, Dr Who, Torchwood, Star Trek (did I say that already? There are so many different shows!).

I spent some time outside the entrance/ exit taking photographs of the cosplayers. Isn't it good that folk still play dress- up!

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