Saturday, November 06, 2021


Are some people just argumentative by nature?  Down at the Broadwater on Sunday morning, the Ian Dipple Lagoon had been closed off to the public - as folk from SeaWorld and the Council looked to see if the sea snake sighted the previous day was still in the Lagoon.  As it turned out they weren't looking to see if it was there, they were looking to make sure it wasn't there.  Fun fact:  sea snakes are usually underwater but come up for air every half hour to an hour to breathe ... and then they look like a rope floating on top of the water.  Another not so fun fact - sea snakes are incredibly venomous but - and this is more fun - they have an incredibly small bite so they can really only get purchase on smaller areas, like the webbing area between people's fingers. 
I put a photograph of the lagoon, without any swimmers or children playing in it, onto Facebook and mentioned the search for the sea snakes.  There were then some comments about sea snakes - and then one from someone suggesting that there were NO SEA SNAKES.  It was obviously someone who hadn't been there or hadn't talked to one of the folk around the lagoon. In the great scheme of things it wasn't that much ... but still I was pleased when a couple of the other members of the group pointed out his "error". 
I can't imagine what it must be like to have serious trolls following you online.  They can be quite nasty. ... and persistent... like those badgering Cleo Smith's family after her abduction last month.  It would be interesting to see if the trolling has stopped since Cleo has been found and returned to her family. 

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