Sunday, October 29, 2023

Not diversified

I chanced upon a Wikipeida entry today that talked about Midsomer Murders, the television series, and the deliberate decision by then producer Brian True-May to exclude non-white characters from the start of the show.   He saw the series as 'the last bastion of Englishness and I want to keep it that way'.  His comments were investigated by the production company - he had been suspended but was reinstated, having apologised.  He subsequently stepped down as producer.  His replacement, Jo Wright, is reported as saying that she was committed to on-screen diversity and in series 15, Asian characters played central characters in the show for the first time, and black characters also stated to appear in that series.  

I have to say that we are currently watching Midsomer Murders, starting at the beginning, and as at Season 2 Episode 1, we hadn't noticed the lack of non-white characters - I think because some of the characters in the episodes we have watched so far have been diverse enough!  We will be watching for cameos from now on - until the first real non-white characters make their appearance. 

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