Thursday, December 20, 2007

'Tis the season

Waiting to cross the road in the CBD today, I had to smile as a "Christmas bus" swept by. You know a "Christmas bus" when you see one because it is festooned with tinsel and decorations throughout. I don't think there are that many of them around Sydney, but they certainly do fill one with the Christmas spirit.
I'm not sure if this piece of news will do the same. Parents can expect to pay out approximately $7,000 for Xmas gifts for each of their children from when they are born to when they turn 21. Given the season, and an impending rate rise in February next year, economists and consumer groups have come out warning parents not to spend more than they can afford - with at least one even suggesting that the internet is to blame for the increased cost of child satisfaction on Christmas morning - because it's making children more demanding from a younger age.

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