Friday, October 19, 2007

Pushing the boundaries?

The Chaser's War on Everything, a fairly popular satirical program on one of Australia's national television broadcasters, has attracted some flak this week because of a"tasteless musical item" which "mocked dead celebrities" including Steve Irwin, Peter Brock, Princess Diana, Kerry Packer and (our) Don Bradman. In replying to the attacks, the song's author maintained he was "very comfortable" with it; but it seems that the approach is not so comfortable that everyone is fair game – some dead celebrities were excluded based, it seems, on whether they were seen to be in any way hypocritical ie the "innocent" (innocent in the eyes of the Chaser Team – and where would that distinction lie?"). But, it does make you wonder about the responsibility of people formulating anything for public consumption (pause to think about blogging as one such medium) and if one does need to "think about these sorts of things" eg whether the content might offend family/friends/loved ones – or the person themselves if they are still of this mortal coil.

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