Thursday, April 07, 2005

Court Notes

I chanced upon some notes I made a couple of years ago when I sat in a court hearing for a few days. It was the first hearing I had been to (if you don't count the time I was called as a witness in a trial about crosswords - but that's another story). As a would-be (or should that be "aspiring") writer, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I was in "observer" mode and in the three days that I went there - I made numerous notes about what I saw and what was said. Some of it is recorded conversation - the others just snippets/observations. For example: there is only one letter difference between "mother" and "smother"; and isn't it odd that "lung" and "tongue" are spelt differently.
Kathleen Folbigg is Currently in prison, serving a 40-year sentence for the murder and/or manslaughter of her four children. During the trial, lots of evidence was heard - but the jury didn't hear about Kathleen's own childhood (her father murdered her mother in front of her when Kathleen was under 2 years of age). They also didn't hear from Kathleen, who chose not to give evidence on her behalf. A question could be if the diary excerpts that were presented as part of the evidence against her were an accurate representation of her "voice".

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