Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hold the phone

I know it’s scary enough thinking about the bill that might be incurred if I lost my mobile phone and someone found it and started making calls. But how would you be if they ran up a $1.21 million bill. Thankfully, it’s someone else who has this particular problem – following the loss of a satellite phone in Iraq. While the Daily Telegraph report suggested that insurgents had stolen the phone, Britain’s Foreign Office would not confirm this. The phone was barred in June after some bill “discrepancies” were noticed. Now, if it was insurgents, and you could track down the numbers that calls had been made to, that might provide some good intelligence (“Hi, is that Osama?” … oops, sorry, for a moment there I forgot that no connection has been proved between Iraq and Osama bin Laden – by the Coalition of the Willing or anyone else.)

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