Friday, March 03, 2006

The Sperminator

I have to stop channel flicking because I keep finding these snippets which are far too intriguing/disturbing. Tomorrow night on SBS there's a program called The Sperminator. I could have heard incorrectly but it seems to be about Dr Cecil Jacobsen who ran a fertility clinic with a difference - there was only one sperm donor. Him. "Who else could you rely on to produce sperm as required?"
Of course, now I'm never going to be able to find the piece I read somewhere else today about a group of women who meet regularly on the net. (Short pause. Much rummaging. There it is.) The thing the 11 women have in common is that they discovered their children were sired by the same sperm donor - N0. 401 - from a Virginia fertility clinic. The report doesn't say if the women used Dr Jacobson's clinic - also in Virginia. What do you reckon the odds are?
(Sorry TK, I just have to go on.) And all this reminded me of a story in a USA paper about someone using a "Whizzinator"** - a fake male appendage which can be filled with (someone else's) "whizz" to help people pass drug tests. I say "people" because you would think that it would probably only be men who could use them. Apparently not so. A US service station attendant was shocked recently when taking something out of the microwave which looked very much like an amputated boy-bit. The couple who asked for the item to be heated because it was a "matter of life or death" hurriedly explain that she was going to have a drug test and would be using the device (read "whizzinator"). They had needed to heat it (and its contents) to make sure the contents (read "whizz") passed the temperature aspect of the test. Only in America ... But the service station attendant wishes it wasn't, 'cause they're still recovering from the shock - I know how I felt when I chanced upon the leg (artificial) in the wardrobe!
**I would have provided a link to the Whizzinator site - but, believe me, you really don't want to go there! It's a bit graphic. However, if you're really interested in finding out more, and possibly even ordering online, you may want to visit the apty named

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be to quick to assume whizz gig is used only by men. You really need to start watch season 3 of the l word.