Sunday, January 21, 2007


I am watching the entire 7 seasons of Buffy and am enjoying it immensely. What an amazing mind Joss Wheldon must be - to conceive of Buffy and the other characters and their lives as teenagers and how they would grow and mature over the course of the show. I also love the way there are small references to future incidents which a first time viewer may not fully understand. Good stuff. At this stage - not taking into account that the first season was shorter than the others - I am half way through. So it must be time to start thinking about the next series to turn my attention to. By that I mean a series new to me, not a re-watch. And at this stage it may be Babylon 5. Let's see why some folk like it so. Oh, and that I found the first season for under $30 helped.


Elizabeth said...

DId you go to Lyndall's party?

Purple Sea Urchin said...

Hey, where did you get Buffy for that price? In Sydney or BKK? Do they have Charmed too? Alias and Desperate Housewives?