Friday, June 29, 2007

Wages of War

At what point will more US personnel have been killed in the Iraq war than were killed in the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon? It must be getting close because figures I saw yesterday suggest the US Iraq toll now stands at 3,560. It's not overwhelmingly surprising that US support for this aspect of the "War on Terrorism" is waning. (No doubt Iraqi support is too - especially as some research has suggested the death toll for non-combatant Iraqis, aka civilians, over the four years of the war is already over half a million lives lost.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is already well past that figure. There were 2,819 people killed in 9/11 attacks (official figure as at September 2002) - this figure includes all citizens from 115 nations - not just Amercians.

See 9/11 by the numbers: