Little bits of the physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence - writing, LIFE, THE UNIVERSE ... AND ANYTHING ...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Land of the Long White Cloud
Sometimes when people say things, you figure that they are probably joking - like when they say that New Zealand is the "Land of the Long White Cloud".Well, you know what ... it appears that it is.That's how we knew we'd arrived at New Zealand this afternoon - besides that we'd stopped flying over water - there was a long white cloud running down its length for as far as we could see.Ah ha, I thought, that must be New Zealand (not for a moment thinking that there might have been another parcel of land which had popped up out of the Tasmanin the couple of hours since we left Sydney - which it hadn't - or that we had taken a wrong turn and ended up at Norfolk).Once I saw land fall I was excited - and for the first time this trip, it felt like I was on vacation and had 6 days of vacation- and probably about a thousand photos - stretching in front of us. Some of these may be snow-covered mountains stretching into the distance; the ocean from New Brighton (near the new library), boiled egg and marmite sandwiches, and looking from Christchurch towards the south.
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