Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Leap of faith

Sydney is on the brink of hosting World Youth Day which will see hordes of Catholic Youth descend on the city. Word is that the emailed quest seeking those willing to "sponsor a lion" for the event has not been a huge success and the visitors will, hopefully, be able to return home untouched save for by the Holy Spirit and the goodwill intrinsic in the event and in the hearts of the locals.
Also here for the event is Pier. And I freely admit that he has captured my attention in a big way. I won't go into the exact details but suffice to say that Pier is a relic, dead these past eighty or so years after dying in his early twenties. An otherwise young, healthy and giving soul, Piers was known for his good works among the poor and ailing - which is where he probably contracted the polio that killed him. But that isn't in itself enough to have raised him to relic status - he is also an incorruptible -one of those few whose body dies not decompose after death. (A quick aside: supposedly this is one reason Catholics are buried rather than cremated - otherwise how else would you be able to disinter the body years later to determine if a person was an incorruptible and taking the first steps on the way to Sainthood?)
Pier arrived late last week and his travelling crate is now on display. That's right. Travelling crate. Neither Pier nor his coffin will be on display for the duration of his visit as his travelling crate must remain sealed. Hmmm. So they are asking us to take it on faith - make a leap of faith - that he is in there and still not tucked up safe and sound at home. (Where is it that all the relics live ... the Vatican?) We shall see ... which in this case is just a figure of speech.

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