Thursday, January 13, 2022

Ethically speaking ...

Philosophy. Hmmmm. I've never really dabbled in it much but I am doing more now that I'm studying a subject that references ethics. I need to give details of three types of ethics - and who knew there was more than one? So I have been looking at Utilitarianism and Kantianism for a start and cannot believe how well some folk explain the concepts. I have found a YouTube channel called Crash Course which clarifies and gives very clear examples of the different principles involved. I'm going to have to watch them a few more times though to make sure I understand them well enough for my next project: determining who was ethically responsible for (spoiler alert!) the death at the end of Louise Penny's The Long Way Home. I had been wondering about it (in terms of what could have been done to prevent it) and now I have a framework in which to process it, I am looking forward to the exercise.

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