Saturday, January 01, 2022

The Digital Divide

It's amazing what you learn along the way. A TAFE Queensland subject is Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills. On Page 17 of the Learner Guide, there's mention of something akin to that Generation Gap that folk used to talk about. These days it's more likely to be the Digital Divide. There are two sides of the Divide - and most folk are on one side or the other - Digital Immigrants or Digital Slaves. If you're older, if you grew up in the 1950's and 1960's, you are more likely to be a Digital Immigrant - everyday technology is new and something that you need to learn, normally grudgingly. The other group, the Digital Natives, born in the 1990's and 2000's has no fear of trying a new device or system - it's just natural for them. The boundaries are blurred of course, they must be, given people's different experiences and proclivities ... and don't think I won't be starting to catalogue the folk I run into from now on.

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