Wednesday, June 29, 2022

CoVid Brain

I would not have believed how much you could not be able to think clearly if I hadn't experienced myself. At one stage there I even thought about withdrawing from my TAFE course and enrolling in the next intake ... hopefully when cognitive services returned to normal. Each time I sat down to work on my assignment I couldn't concentrate and I really needed to as I set up several social media accounts with different passwords and email addresses ... confusing at the best of times but a real challenge if you can't keep your thoughts straight ... and while I understand the need for multi-factor authentication, it did not help!
In the end I did what I could - hoping it would be enough - and submitted the assignment last week and I'm now waiting for the result. I had decided, quite uncharacteristically I think, that if I needed to re-submit, that would be okay, because the lecturer would tell me what areas needed to be worked on and hopefully also provide some pointers about what needed to be done ... they're there, afterall, to help!

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