Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Comparison shopping

Internet shopping ... where would we be without it? Actually I think it would be better characterised as internet window shopping and/or price comparison. I had to buy a new camera battery the other day and I checked online to see what was available in the area and how much I would be paying. Consistently the price on the internet was around $100 (it sounds so much cheaper if it's only $99.95) so imagine my surprise when I went into the camera shop and they were selling it for $149. What the? So I asked if they would price-match (as I pulled out my phone) and they said yes - but not Amazon. Fair enough. So I pulled up the price for one of their local competitors - $99.95 - and to their credit (pun intended), they matched it. Mind you, had they not, there was no way I would have bought the battery from them. It is a huge price difference. So thank goodness for the internet because had I not done the research beforehand, I may well have spent the $50 (or so) extra.

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