Thursday, April 15, 2021

That's entertainment ...?

Married at First Sight is almost over for another year ... thank goodness because I am still not sure what the program sets out to do. There is a lot of titillation and you can see that the scenes are heavily edited to be as sensational as they can be - and then some.
On the whole, it isn't as issue I guess, but one"marriage" in particular has been worrying: it's been referred to as toxic in the media and it certainly does seem to be a relationship you wouldn't want anyone you cared about to be in. But that one appears to have thrived and continues "outside the experiment". Gaslighting, coercive behaviour - all warning signs of a relationship that could easily tip into domestic violence territory; all in full view on National television and not in any way, mitigated, explained or commented on by the "experts" who are said to take such care matching the participants and making sure they receive 'intensive counselling throughout the experiment. 
So, is it entertainment? I don't think so but chances are l'm not the target demographic! 

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