Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Latest craze

Sudoku has arrived in Australia - and within moments I was addicted! Even though it appears to be a numbers puzzle - and that it should require some considerable skill in mathematics -it's really a logic puzzle. Of course it helps if you can count from 1 to 9. The pic shows a Sudoku grid - and your role as a puzzler is to complete it using numbers inclusive of 1 to 9 only once in each row, column and square. This one was billed as "easy" but I suspect that description works only if you're familiar with the Suduku "slice and dice" methodology and can work the logic. There are sites that explain in great detail how to play - and you'll find them easily with a Google or Yahoo search - or you might just want to plunge right in. It's not hard - and you know the principle - 1-9 in each row, column and square. But be warned ... Sudoku is addictive ... and when you can get the Palm/PDA or PC (not sure about Macs) version you'll notice time simply evaporates (what do you mean it's already May?)!

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