Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cat 1, Post Service 0

I know one of our cats sometimes seems to have a split personality - rolling over to receive pats one minute, and then lashing out with claws the next - so I believe the Canada Post service which ways it can no longer deliver to a house in Winnipeg, Manitoba, after a mail carrier was scared away by a "very threatening cat". Shadow's owner has a very different view of the eight-year-old, declawed, black cat. He (that would be Shadow) is docile, "likes to eat and sleep and cuddle. You could drop a bomb and he'd just open one eye, take a look, then close them and go back to sleep," owner Samborski, told a local paper (as reported by Reuters). Hmm a likely story - but anyone who nhas cats know they are capable of secret lives and activities!

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