Monday, April 21, 2008

Snopes error message

I was just reading something this morning about a plan to have advertisers use your mistyped URLs (you know about them - it's where you type in a 67-character string into the address bar on your browser window thinking you're going to get a really cool picture of "something" and you end up at a "404 Page Not Found" message or similar) for paid advertising. When I read this I had the fleeting thought about how amazingly incredible it is that we can land on the page we want on the internet just by typing in a string of characters, and mostly we get there. So, distracted, off I went for a photograph on Snopes of a "Devil's Swimming Pool" on the edge of Victoria Falls - and I missed by one character: (it should have been /photos/) - but I was pleasantly surprised with the error page the site returned. Try it, it's fun! (Just hope it works the same on a standard web browser as it does on the smart phone!)

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