Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rubik's remembered

Do you still have your Rubik's cube tucked away somewhere? Do you drag it out every so often to practice - and see if you can beat your previous personal best - or the current world record of 10.36 seconds. Yes, that was 10.36 SECONDS. Of course, to get speeds like this the chances are that you'd have to lubricate your cube with silicone spray and/or loosen the screws to make them faster - and do lots and lots of practice. And when you're down to your best speed - why not try something a bit different - like doing solving the cube blindfolded (record: 1 minute 42 seconds).
Me, I'll just settle for getting solving it once. Looks like I might have to think about investing in another cube - bringing Hasbro's total sales of the plastic cubes ever closer to 300 million. Or I could just use the Sudoku cube that's currently in local shops - oops not enough colours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My record was 3,765 days. In fact now that I think about it my cube is imbedded in the side of 5.15 from Central. Actually it may have been the 5.19 it was hard to tell which as they both went past so quickly.....lucky for me I didnt have to pay for the window either.