Sunday, February 03, 2008

Groundhog Day

... was yesterday (2 Feb) and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow - which means the northern hemisphere should brace itself for another six weeks of winter. (Which is way better than the unending rain in "The Taking" - the Dean Koontz novel I am currently reading.) I can't think of Punxsutawney Phil without thinking of "Groundhog Day" the movie where Phil Connors the weatherman (played by Bill Murray) is destined to repeat the same day. Funny - up until now I had never realised that the Groundhog and the Weatherman shared the same name. (Sounds like a title for a story or something, doesn't it - "The Groundhog and the Weatherman"?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather."