Monday, December 27, 2021

Artistic pursuits ...

What does it take to get someone to take up "creativity"? A friend we visited recently has just taken up art - something which she really had little interest before - not surprising really as she was told by a teacher when she was 7 that she couldn't draw. She didn't contest that notion until earlier this year - at least 50 years later. And, who would have thought? That teacher was wrong ... very wrong. Ja is now working with an art teacher - starting out with pencil, then colour pencils (who knew you had to be taught how to use them), then water colour paints ... and she's about to branch out to acrylics ... and she is talented! I was amazed at what she's been able to produced - especially the apple she did in pencil on her first attempt - and the flowers in water colour! I don't think there will be any stopping her now.
I was speaking with Sa today and as well as drawing, she too is about to branch into something else creative ... writing. She has some books from the Library which she is studying so she can learn more about it and she was saying that she hadn't ever really thought about whose point of view a story was being told from ... she does now.
So what takes someone down a creative road? What makes them wake up one day and say - I'm going to do art, or I'm going to write? And what keeps fuelling that passion/desire?

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