Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Great work Santa!

Top Marks to my Secret Santa. 

The wrapping was an absolute masterpiece - from the ransom demand lettering to the misdirect on the box. The presents from under the tree were carried out to the area where all of us were sitting, enjoying nibbles and each other's company. We were 14 in all - not too big a group so we could all delight in the unwrapping. When Santa's Helper handed mine over - after we worked out that Santa had a tiny issue with spelling my name - I was delighted to see the cut-out letters and the effort that had gone into keeping Santa secret. Off with the wrapping and all over the box were hand-drawn arrows "Top". I was a bit concerned - because that box had not been pointing "Top" - so hopefully there was nothing that needed to be kept upright in there. Opening the box (from the Top), there were lots of little boxes in there. I unwrapped one and it had a light bulb in it; the same with the next one. Okay, so it looked like the light bulbs fitted into something - and sure enough, after taking the rest of the boxes out, there was a false bottom - and more cut out letters - OPEN OTHER END. I did - and there was one of my favourite things - a hot/cold sippy mug. Thank you Secret Santa! 

So, if the gift wasn't something you put light bulbs in - what was in those boxes? It took a bit to get in to them - how much sticky tape had Santa used!?! Lots - is the answer. And I have to say, it's the hardest I've ever had to work for lollies - just the one in each box. 

Thanks heaps Santa!  (PS  I know who your helper was!)

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