Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wait and see

When is a review of the constitutionality of lethal injection in the judical system not a good thing? When you're on death row, not appealing your death sentence, and you're prepared to accept your death sentence "in order to be forgiven and obtain salvation". Such is the situation of Michael Rodriguez, on death-row for his part in the killing of a US patrolman while he, and others, were "on the run". At the time of the prison escape, Rodriguez was serving time for hiring a hit man to kill his wife. It is unlikely Rodriguez' execution date will be set before late next year because it's expected to take until then for the Supreme Court to make a ruling on whether the drug mix used to sedate and kill prisoners, and how it's administered, can cause pain severe enough to violate the constitutional ban on "cruel and unusual punishment.
In the meantime, all Rodriguez can do is continue to write letters pleading his case.

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